“The hardest choices require the strongest wills. 最艰难的选择需要最坚强的意志。”
“哥哥,我向你保证,太阳会再次照耀我们的” “好的弟弟,我看见那升起的太阳了, 可是你现在有在哪儿呢”
“To feel desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. 我知道失去亲人的感觉。即使你们如此绝望,最后还是失败了。”
“You ...will never be ... a God. 你永远都不会成为一个神。”
“—Stark,you are not the only one cursed by knowledge. —My only cruse is you. —灭霸:斯塔克,你不是唯一被知识诅咒的人。—斯塔克:我唯一诅咒的是你。”
“These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence. Space. Reality. Power. Soul. Mind. And Time. 这些无限之石每个控制着一个基本存在面。空间。现实。力量。灵魂。思想。以及时间。”
“And they called me a madman.And what I predicted, came to pass. 他们叫我疯子。但是我预言的一切都成真了。”
“Titan was like most planets. Too mana mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution. Genocide? At random. Dispassionate, fair. The rich and poor alike. 泰坦和大多数星球一样,嘴巴太多,没有足够的资源来维持。当我们面临灭绝时,我提出了解决办法。种族灭绝(奇异博士)?随机的。冷静,公平。富人和穷人都一样对待。”
“I could end your friend's life in an instant. I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy. \"我可以瞬间结束你朋友的命。\" 钢铁侠:“我得告诉你,他都不是我的朋友。救他的命更多是出于专业礼节。”
“How much for the gun? Not for sale. Okay, how much for the arm? 火箭浣熊 :“枪多少钱”,冬兵:“枪不卖”。火箭浣熊:”好的,那你这手臂多少钱?“”
“It's like his muscles are made of Cotati metal fibre. - Stop massaging his muscles. 卡魔拉:“他的肌肉摸上去像由科塔蒂金属纤维制成的“。星爵:“别再摸他的肌肉了”
“Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine. Yeah,but the kid's seen more movies. 你的能力和我相比微不足道。钢铁侠: “是的,但是这个孩子(蜘蛛侠)看过太多电影(脑洞大,鬼主意多)。”
“No. I'm Peter, by the way. -Docter Strange. Oh, we're using our made-up names.I'm Spider-Man, then. 不是,顺便说下,我叫彼得。 -奇异博士。蜘蛛侠:“噢,既然都用化名的话,那么,我叫蜘蛛侠”
“我去了未来,看到了不同的结局。看到了这场战争的所有结果” “你看到了多少种结果” “14000605” “我们赢了多少回” “one”